Monday, January 31

the little things fall into place

Just when I am not sure that anything is going to go right, things start to change.

  • Rob gots that job with the Catholic School Board that he really wanted.
  • We have a great chance with an apartment, that we should hear back from in the next couple days.... keep your fingers crossed on that
  • Work is going good, my hours keep changing, but I still like my job. Plus I get to leave it 3 months for a whole year, and get paid!
  • Our beautiful baby girl is healthy and moving around like crazy. Just when I can't stand being pregnant and the puking has become too much and I want to die or cry cause my head hurts so bad, she moves around and then for some reason it all seems worth it.
  • I start my pre-natal fitness class tomorrow night at 6:45... so far there is only 2 people in my class, but I'm excited. I'll get all in shape and become one hot mom.. haha Rob calls me a MILF..... then I laugh at him.

It helps to have good things going on, because with all the crap and stress that you realize you have, while your pregnant it intensifies. I think the huge hint is everything makes you cry.... I need the good things. Things with Kaylee, and unfortunately my mother haven't gotten any better, but I am not sure what else to do with either situation, so I am trying not to worry about either. Kaylee came into work the other day and well, was herself, excpet the owner, the big fish was standing behind me, oh how I wanted to ring her neck. She has such an attitude, and this thought in her head that the world owes her something and she owes them nothing. I want to poke her with a sharp stick... in the eye.

Everyday Rob makes me smile and surprises me with how much he loves me. I keep him up half the night with itchy skin, and a sore stomach and I can't get comfy, and this and that, he might get frustrated with me, but he just helps me get comfy and soothes me until I can finally fall alseep. Or during the day when I have a headache and I whine (really bad trust me!) he just takes care of me, and puts me to bed for nap and gets me water and medicine and whatever else I may call out for. No matter how gross I look, or how much sleep he isn't getting he just tells me he loves me and that I am beautiful. That the little (very ugly and gross) stretch mark I have doesn't make me any less beautiful, that nothing would change that. I fall more in love with him everyday. He is so patient and sweet, he is gonna be such a great dad. He is the greatest guy I have ever met. I just look into his eyes at night when he has been up an extra 3 hours because of me, and I just feel.... I can't even explain it. It is so many things, so many emotions, I guess that is what love is. It's funny how much your life can change in a year.

Well my darlings I'm going to go, laundry calls.... good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite, unless he is cute... then make sure he just nibbles.....


-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 10:00 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile

Thursday, January 27

we might be moving!

Went to the doctors today. The baby is doing good, strong heartbeat, healthy little thing. I have put on 11 pounds since I got pregnant... I am 5 1/2 months pregnant, but that is too much... oh well. I don't care. I start my swim classes next week, so that should help keep my weight gain down.

Rob and I appiled for this really nice 2 bedroom apartment. A friend of Ruthie's lives there right now, but she is flying back east on Saturday, and has a lease that needs to be taken over... so we applied, if we are accepted.. we find out tomorrow, we can move in the weekend! It is big and spacious, and is $749 a month inclusive. Which is good compared to some places we have looked at. And when you have a cheaper rent, you still ahve to pay for heat and hydro and all taht sutff, so when you add it together we are still paying the same amount. I hope, I hope we get it. Because we are taking over her lease, first and last month rent is paid already. Which helps us a lot. Then we can use the money we have in the bank to pay our rent. Keep your fingers crossed!

Have a good night, xoxoxo

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 7:24 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile

Monday, January 24


Just a quick post.

Congrats Jazz! I found out yesterday that Jazz had her baby on Friday. She had a little girl, though I am not to sure how little 9pounds 6ounces is. She talked to Rob while I was at work. He said she is doing fine and the baby is well. I hope all went well for hurt and that it didn't hurt that bad. I bet her baby is beautiful.

That is all. We bought a new baby book for my little tadpole today while we were at Toys'R'Us doing the whole baby registry thing. It was fun, but it took along time! I am going to start taking pre-natal swim/exercise classes! I can't wiat.. they should be fun!


-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 8:45 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile

Sunday, January 23

That was fun!

What a lovely day I am having and it is only 3pm.

I wanted to go to church this morning, and I woke up on time, to feel really sick and puke-like. Hmm... don't really wanna have to run in and out of church to puke becuase I had pre-marital sex and got pregnant. Not that it would be a huge deal at my church, but still, no thanks.
So I crawl my lazy and not feeling so hot body out of bed at around 2pm and go online to play some poker, this is all fine and dandy.... then I hear this gurgling, cracking like sound and then I hear water draining on the floor.... plus I am home alone. NOT FUN! So I walk around the house praying for someone to come home... the praying didn't work (cause I didn't go to church!) and I was not sure what to do. What to do when panicking... CALL DAD! He got me to shut off the water and turn all the taps on to drain the lines and all this other construction talk and then he let me go to clean up the water. Lucky me. I put towels down on the mess and left them there, only to pace for a bit wanting Rob desperately to come home. Baby please come home. But I couldn't do that forever, so I decided to blog my flood! My little flood reminded me of Danielle's flood, her much bigger then mine flood. I was a little scared, she must have been a lot scared! Then my baby comes home! Now the guys, whoever they may be, have to get up in the ceiling and fix the pipes... not gonna be a fun time! And to make things go a little better in my day, I don't have to work till 6 now instead of 4. I called in with a bigger mess then we have.

But I am going to go, I need to figure out where I am going to shower.

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 3:10 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile

Saturday, January 22

Thank you

gone are days of lub dub, lub dub and swimming in fountains.

Tonight I was filled with memories of fun times that made me smile. Thoughts of silly shows we called "concerts", crazy after parties with "birthday kisses", messy ketchup, fountains with bubbles, skiing trips with made up "hot boys", road trips, puking, more puking, dumb boys, walks, lunch in the halls, movies, girls nights, and mostly spending time with the best friends a girl could ask for.
It made me think about them and the places we went and the places now we won't see together, or they will, but without me. I miss them so much. I can't wait to see them again to laugh and joke about old times and to enjoy the celebration of making new memories. As people grow older, knowing when the next time we'll meet is hard to say, but I will embrace it with open arms, and anticipate it everyday. As I sit here typing this I can feel the slight movements of my growing baby girl, and it makes me pray that if even for a short time, I hope that my daughter has the opportunity to know true friends like I did and make her own memories that will make her laugh for a life time.
Even though we may not be close together to see eachothers faces, I know that they are there, for a conversation over the computer, or a good laugh, or cry, over the phone. I miss them, but mostly I want to thank them, for helping me create memories that I will be happy to share with my daughter about her mommy's crazy days in BC, and her crazy "aunties" it includes. I love them. I was told once that true friends last a life time, and for once I finally believe it.

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 1:29 AM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile

Wednesday, January 19

she'll prance and dance and smile just like me....

On Saturday Rob and I went to a bridal show with his mom. I loved it. We walked around and entered things to when, tasted food, looked at all the different things we could use for our wedding. It just was a step in the right direction towards us getting married. We have talked about for so long, and now it is finally happening. Rob was so cute, like most guys there, he was there cause I wanted him to be there, but he had a good time, asked questions, and held all my stuff so I could have a good time. We looked at dj's, photographers, dress shops, suit people, and it just didn't end. We got a lot of really good ideas though. The best part... get this...
Yes that is right. It flowed and you could dip things into it. I wanted to dip my face into it and have the chocolate pour right into my mouth! It was so yummy. I want one of those at my reception! I am going to start dress hunting in a couple weeks, I just have to get some people together to come along with me. It should be fun.. my belly is huge.. and trying them on should be be interesting.. haahahaha
love you xoxoxox

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 2:00 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile

Sunday, January 16

We're having a.....

WE had our ultrasound on Friday. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. That was my little one just moving around in there. It is all mine. My little baby is alrady independant and strong willed cause it took the doc over an hour to get all the measurements they needed cause it wouldn't sit still!

We're having a GIRL!

She is healthy and perfect so far the doc said. She was absolutely beautiful. Her heart is strong and everthing looked "just great" She has long legs and small little feet! She was yawning a lot! She moves around like crazy, especially when she knows we are talking about her! We have picked out her name, Anneyia Marie Scott, and I think she already knows it. Her daddy already loves her lots and talks to her all the time. Her grandparents can't wait for her to get here! We have pictures of her, and yes we are mailing some out. I can't wait till she gets here, I didn't know it was possible to love someone so much that you had never even met.

But I must go, as I am still puking my guts out!

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 1:41 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile

Thursday, January 13

ooops i stole it from Danielle

I AM: just me, a girl
I WILL ALWAYS: smile at the stars
I MISS: my sister and brother
I SMELL: rootbeer that I am drinking.... like shower gel just out of the shower!
I CRAVE: some of the weirdest things....
I WORRY: that maybe I will be a bad mom
I REGRET: not telling him I loved him sooner
I LOVE: waking up next to him in the morning
I SLIGHTLY: can't see, but won't get my glasses
I DANCE: to pop music when I am alone
I SING: to make people laugh
I CANT STAND: throwing up after eating something I love
I LOST: my mind
I LIKE: the idea of being able to influence someone's life
I LISTEN: not very well, but I am working on it
I CAN BE FOUND: in my favourite place, curled up in his arms
I NEED: to know that I have to the power to do what I have taken on
I KNOW THAT: a smile can make your whole day better
I HOPE: to give someone the advice that makes them a better person
I WANT: to succeed
I AM ALWAYS: emotional
I CRY: more then normal
I FELL: in love with him everytime I look into his eyes
I WILL: make sure I tell him what I feel so that we don't fight
I WONT: make the same mistakes twice
I THINK: that I have become a good person
I SHOULD: take life more serious
I COULD: drive out into the country and stare at the stars
I WOULD: never let you hurt again
I DIDNT: realize love could feel this good
I LOOK: more closely at the little things
I HEAR: that he loves me
I HURT: my big toe
I HATE: not trusting people
I FEAR: that he might not always want me
I DONT: have the friendships I want
I FEEL: more things then I can explain
I CARE: what happens to you
I AM ALWAYS TRYING TO: make a difference and grow up
I HIDE: my true feelings
I WRITE: not enough
I PLAY: childish games that make him smile
I LEARN: something new everyday
I WILL BE: a better person then I was, a better mom then her
I SAY: things before I speak
I DONT THINK: people know me for who I really am
I LOVE TO: sleep
I ALWAYS: want to hear him laugh
I HAVE: a fairytale that is coming true
I BELIEVE: in happiness
I STOLE: his heart and his innoence
I AM: in love
I CANT STAND: when he goes away for the night
I KNOW THAT: we all can achieve our dreams
I NEVER: want to be 16 again

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 1:04 AM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile

Thursday, January 6

Happy New Year

Happy New Year !

Welcome 2005! and all the crazy things it will bring! For me it's a baby, a wedding and a new way of life!
Rob and I didn't do much, we went to his cousins and rang in the New Year. I wasn't feeling well (what else is new?) and Rob was tired, so we were home by 1am.
Being pregnant is taking it's toll on me. I am an emotional basketcase. One minute I am happy and smiling, the next minute I am crying, unsure why and mad at the world. I feel bad, this must be hard on Rob. Some days he can't even look at me without me being offended and him not knowing why. They don't tell you this in the brochure of pregnancy that your hormones go crazy and you have no control over them. They also leave out the part about being irritable and cranky and short tempered. They neglect to mention that your sex life goes down hill cause you are either too nauseous or on the off chance you are horny, you are too tired to actually put in a real effort or it hurts to damn much to enjoy and then you miss the days sex was fast! The worst part, just when you think your puking days are over and you start feeling good, BAM it comes back and kicks you in the ass and you spend the day pray to the porcelain gods. That is just the start of being pregnant. There are more things I could write about that TRUST ME you don't want to hear. (Example: Having random body parts leak at odd times.... less then fun.)
I am told that it is all worth it once I see my little bundle of joy, and this I believe to be true. I know that once I see the little one Rob and I enjoyed creating, all the pain and suffering will seem painless. Our first ultra-sound is on January 14th. I can't wait. We finally get to see our baby, and hopefully the doctor will be able to tell us what it is. We want to know so badly. We have our names down to the final few. The baby book has been started and the baby stuff is starting to pile up. I am 2 weeks shy of 5 months pregnant, so I over half way there. Time has gone so quickly. It still seems like only yesterday I was finding out.
Now that the new year is here, Rob and I are starting to plan not only for our baby, but for our lives. We have a wedding to plan and moving out! We are aiming to be moved out for March or April first. I can't wait to set up our own place and just have that freedom!
In a couple weeks I am starting my wedding dress hunt. It should be interesting as I will be rounder in the front then when I actually need to wear it. lol But I can't wait to see the beautiful dress I will be wearing when I walk down the aisle to become Rob's wife!
I went prego clothes shopping on Monday. It was so much fun. It was like being in a store made especially for you (and all other prego's) It feels good to have clothes that fit properly. Rob tells me I look so beautiful in them!
We have spent a lot of time over at dad's lately, which is really cool with me. I love that Rob and dad can just hang out and get on so well. They do boy things (many a trips to the shed...) and Ruthie and I do prego stuff. Cody is getting so big! Kaylee doesn't live there anymore, so it makes visiting a lot easier.
I think I felt the baby move the other day.... it was like a light flutter, sorta like butterflies. It makes being pregnant more real when you start to feel your baby growing inside you. It is a feeling I can't even describe. I wish that feeling upon EVERYONE! It is a life experience!

Well I am so tired, and Rob and I are going to bed to read Harry Potter. (Well actually Rob snuggles with me and I read it to him... but don't tell anyone... hahaha... and I am reading to.... the baby... haha) Good night all.
Love you
Song: Over and Over

Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
And I can’t keep picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause it’s on in my head
I think about it over and over again
I replay it over and over again
And I can’t take it yeah I can’t shake it
Nooo I can’t wait to see you
Want to see if you still got that look in your eyes
That one you had for me before we said our goodbyes
And it’s a shame that we got to spend our time
Being mad about the same things
Over and over again
About the same things
Over and over again
Ohh But I think she’s leaving
Ooh man she’s leaving
I don’t know what else to do
(I Can’t go on not loving you)
Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
And I can’t keep picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause its on in my head
I think about it over and over again
I replay it over and over again yeah
That is a little bit of the Nelly song with Tim McGraw.... I have only heard a couple times... and I am not sure what I think of it yet. Nelly and Tim.... Not sure of that combo.

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 1:09 AM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile