Tuesday, March 22

Days pass me by just like moments

Sorry I haven't written in so long.

Rob and I got our own place and we don't have a computer yet. Living on our own has been fun. We have had some challenges.... ants, crazy neighbours among other things but we are enjoying it over-all. It's a 2 bedroom apartment and next weekend we are painting the nursery. It's starting to look homey, that stuff takes time.. and money and we are working with both.

I am doing well. I feel the size of a house, and the baby, she is good too! She moves around ALL the time! I miss sleeping comfortably and for more then a couple hours at a time before needing to pee yet again! But I guess this is just a lead in to not sleeping for a few years. I can't wait for her to get here. I am due in 11 weeks, but I hope she is a couple weeks early, cause she is gonna be HUGE! haha I go on Maternity leave soon, 7 or 8 weeks left, and I can't wait! I have been taking pre-natal aerobics on Tuesday nights, I love them!

Rob and I need to get a move on and start REALLY planning our wedding. It is just hard finding the time to do it. It was our one year anniversary yesterday. We didn't do much to celebrate, but we will eventually...... haha

Well I don't have time to write much more, sorry. I will write again soon


-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 5:32 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

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