Thursday, June 30

A big sister..... again!

Today my parents welcomed my newest sibling into the world at 9:20 am! She weighed 6pounds 4 ounces and was 19 inches long! She has a FULL, and I mean FULL head of hair. Twice as much as Anniyia! She is beautiful, looks a lot like Cody.
Yes for those who are scratching their heads..... Anniyia is 3 weeks older then her Aunt. What can I say.. my family is weird! But there are benefits.... both Anniyia and Megan always have some their age to play with! And there are 2 of them... so they don't need to put up with any of Cody's crap.. lol... cause they can kick his ass... haha
Congrats Dad and Ruthie! xoxoxoxox

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 8:17 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile

Friday, June 24

They tell you it hurts.....


Yes folks I did it! Anniyia Marie Scott came into this world on June 9th at 6:24pm. She is beautiful! (and no I am not just saying that because she is mine!) They tell you it hurts, but they don't tell you just how AWFUL it is! I am SLOWLY forgetting just how bad it hurt. But for a few days, I could have been the spokesperson for abstinence!

My water broke Wednesday morning at 5:30! I had been having contractions for almost 3 weeks before that! So Rob and I went up to the hospital (for the 3rd time) and they told me that I hadn't dilated and I could go home till 10pm that night. So off we went. The contractions came, and they came hard... I was SCREAMING in pain and crying! Then finally at 9pm I couldn't take it anymore, back we went to the hospital. I prayed I had dilated. I had a shaky resident check me, who said I was 2 cm. Good I thought I am on my way! They admitted me and gave me a bed and a gown to wear. I stayed in triage till 6am the next morning. Rob got some sleep on the FLOOR! He can sleep anywhere! I tried very hard to sleep, but it hurt like hell. I got a shot of demerol (in my bum I might add!) but it didn't do much but make me loopy... Rob says I was quite funny! Finally the next morning at 6am I got my own room. Rob got a bed to sleep on. (well... Bed might be stretching it, more a window nook) I was checked again, this time by a nurse who didn't remind me a 16year old boy hitting 3rd base for the first time, and I was only barely 1cm. So the resident needed to learn how to count! Because my water had been broken for over 24 hours I needed to be induced to prevent infection on the baby. So in went the IV. It wasn't bad. I had a really nice nurse, actually they all were really nice. One never left my side. I felt quite special, famous almost. They started me on the drugs, synocin or whatever it was called. Boy did the contraction ever get worse. My advice.... DO NOT get induced! OUCH!! By 1pm I was still only 1cm. I was getting frustrated and exhausted due to lack of sleep... And food (you can't eat) At 2pm I got my epidural... It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and the doctor was super nice. Having numb legs is an odd feeling. Plus you get a catheter, not fun. I could feel mine move everytime I had a contraction, and no amount of drugs could make that stop hurting! FINALLY by 5pm I was 10cm! Yes I had done it! But the pressure was so awful. Think: need to take the biggest crap of your life and you can feel it RIGHT there, but DON'T push! AWFUL! I pushed anyways, my body sort of did it on it's own. By this time I was pissed off at the world and GRUMPY! I was swearing and yelling. They could hear me down the other end of the ward! They kept telling me to BREATHE.... My response: THE BREATHING DOESN'T FUCKING WORK! The baby was too high for me to start pushing, and I could push her down the canal, but I was too tired and the nurse wanted to conserve my energy, so we waited till the baby came down on her own. 6pm: still no baby. Rob went for dinner.... 5 minutes later, baby was down. "Sara DO NOT push or Rob will miss it" Please all nurses out there, do NOT tell a contracting woman not to push, it is DAMN near impossible. So the nurses are paging Rob, BACK TO DELIVERY PLEASE, and I am lying there, feet in stirrups, trying not to push, counting the seconds. He gets back to the room and her head is almost out, 2 pushes later and we have a baby girl! (I edited out the nasty parts of that.) At 6:24pm Anniyia Marie Scott came into the world... With a FULL head of hair! 7pounds, 11 ounces, 21 inches long! It was the most amazing feeling when they handed her to me. I can't even describe it, you are there and BAM you have a baby, makes me tear up a bit!

So they cleaned me up and her, and then left us, me, Rob and Anniyia to get to know each other. At around 8:30 a nurse came in to check on us, and bath her. Rob gave her the first bath of her life! They gave her a comb-over! haha The night seemed long, she would cry, and I would get up... With new found energy for the tiny being that is mine. She was beautiful, and I was in love. Suddenly I was looking at Rob in a whole new light, the hatred I had during labor was gone and I had fallen even more in love with him everytime I looked at her, or him with her. We had a few late night visitors, (my sister Kaylee, Ruth and Cody, and my cousins Amie and Trena. His family had gone home thinking they couldn't get in because visiting hours were over) then we were on our own.

We made it threw the night, just the 3 of us. The nurses were impressed with me, up and walking 2 hours after I had her. It pays to have babies young.... your body is stronger. I hurt like hell "down there" but I wanted to go home. At 9am I showered and was ready to go. Dad came to visit around 9:30, and called her "his little angel" (his own new baby, my new sister, is due on the 26th!) Finally at 12:30 the doctor came and told us what we already knew.... our beautiful baby was perfect and we could go home. Hospital food isn't that bad when you are hungry! But the shower water pressure sucked!

We left, baby in tote and surprised his dad and sister at work. His mom met us at home. We all agreed on one thing: She was perfect! She has been here 15 days and I can't remember her not being here. She is an awesome baby. Sleeps lots and doesn't cry much. She is a perfect combo of both Rob and I, with the cutest chubby cheeks I have ever seen! I love being a mom, I wouldn't trade it for the world. My fairytale has come true. I have my baby, and my husband comes in September. Am I happy? Couldn't be happier!

Was the pain worth it? You look at her and tell me! Would I do it again? In a heartbeat. Did I forget the pain.... NEVER! haha

I miss you all! Keep in touch! E-mail me your address and I will mail you pictures of my little princess!


-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 8:15 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile