Thursday, September 23

2 posts in 2 days...... go me!

Hello again,

This post will be shorter, as not much can happen in my life in 2 days!

I worked today, ah the sweet joys of working. Um... yeah right. I have 41 hours next week, aad trust me I am NOT complaining.... at all! But simply put... when do I see Rob? .... I don't. I must wait.

I called a friend of mine out in BC this evening. It made me smile to hear the joy in her voice when she realized it was me, and not only in her voice, but in that of her younger brother and her father and her mother as well. They all wanted to talk to me and wish me well and to see how things were going. It is a friendship like that, one of a good friend that can last through distance, and survive on infrequent e-mails. I am glad to say I have that. In a couple of days, I shall call a different friend from out west, and see how she is doing. As I do miss her jsut as much, maybe more. Will you be there when the phone rings?

Babysat my killer cousins tonight. Those kids I swear can go from being the sweetest kids to being demon children in the matter of minutes. But I don't mind doing it so much. I went and saw my nanny tonight with them. Helped her with some yard work. It felt good to help her. I really should spend more time with her.

Just waiting to talk to Rob so I can go to bed. Good night all, talk to you soon.

Sweet dreams

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 11:59 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile

Wednesday, September 22

Life as an ADULT

Hello all,

Sorry it has been so long since I have written. Things have been crazy and busy. This is my attempt to tell you all about it.
Rob has gone off to college, and I miss him like crazy. But luckily for me I get to go and visit..... a lot! I love it there. I work all the time, but I get to live the college life at the same time. the parties and the drinking and the sex! Then I come home... hahaha The friends he has made are awesome. In fact some of them are coming home for Thanksgiving with him. It should be crazy. We are having 2 dinners. One on Saturday with his family and friends, and one on Sunday with our friends and my family! I can't wait for that I am so excited!

I have seen my mom, and my siter and brother. Once. It was hard, and weird and extremely awkward. I haven't really even spoken to her since that one day.... I am not sure I want her in my life at this point. I am not ready for that amount of stress. Plus she moved a good hour and a half away... so getting there isn't easy. I just feel like she has alternate motives about why she wants to see me again.And then doesn't... caue she hasn't exactly been calling me like mad... so I am confused.

Work is going really good. I just had my year review, and it went well. So if all goes well for the next 8 months I should be transferring stores..... again... to London when I move there to be with Rob. I really love the girls... and Jeff.... haha that I work with. They are really good people.

I miss school. I never thought I would say that... but I do. I want to go back and take some classes or something. Maybe I will try for next Septmeber... and until then I can save some money!

Living on my own, has been..... interesting to say the least. Um... it is stressful. I wish someone had of warned me how difficult it was to be an adult. But I am trying my best to get through it.... and I am so thnakful for the support of those closest to me. Tania and I have some things to work through... but we should do alright... we always have.

Thigns with my dad and Ruthie are going really well for me. Ruthie and i are closer then ever and we talk about everything. Things with them and Kaylee...... um.... not so much! It has been stressful trying to help them, but not at the same time.... They are very different and very much the same at the same time.... they need something!

I am so in love it is really quite sickening. I have never felt this way in my whole life. I hear his voice and I can here my future. I look into his eyes and I see my whole life. (Let me tell you I look pretty darn HOT in a wedding gown!) I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. It has already started. 6 whole months yesterday. We have had our ups and downs... but in true love you work through the bad times so you can enjoy the good times. When I am lyin in bed with him I keep expecting to wake up and having the dream end. But he is real.... we are real! And I am the happiest I have ever been!

BIG HELLOS to everyone to BC. I miss you and can't wait to hear from you! SO E-MAIL! or better yet... come visit! hahaha But all my darlings I must go.... the new season of Bachelor is on.... talk to y'all soon

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 10:08 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile