Monday, January 31

the little things fall into place

Just when I am not sure that anything is going to go right, things start to change.

  • Rob gots that job with the Catholic School Board that he really wanted.
  • We have a great chance with an apartment, that we should hear back from in the next couple days.... keep your fingers crossed on that
  • Work is going good, my hours keep changing, but I still like my job. Plus I get to leave it 3 months for a whole year, and get paid!
  • Our beautiful baby girl is healthy and moving around like crazy. Just when I can't stand being pregnant and the puking has become too much and I want to die or cry cause my head hurts so bad, she moves around and then for some reason it all seems worth it.
  • I start my pre-natal fitness class tomorrow night at 6:45... so far there is only 2 people in my class, but I'm excited. I'll get all in shape and become one hot mom.. haha Rob calls me a MILF..... then I laugh at him.

It helps to have good things going on, because with all the crap and stress that you realize you have, while your pregnant it intensifies. I think the huge hint is everything makes you cry.... I need the good things. Things with Kaylee, and unfortunately my mother haven't gotten any better, but I am not sure what else to do with either situation, so I am trying not to worry about either. Kaylee came into work the other day and well, was herself, excpet the owner, the big fish was standing behind me, oh how I wanted to ring her neck. She has such an attitude, and this thought in her head that the world owes her something and she owes them nothing. I want to poke her with a sharp stick... in the eye.

Everyday Rob makes me smile and surprises me with how much he loves me. I keep him up half the night with itchy skin, and a sore stomach and I can't get comfy, and this and that, he might get frustrated with me, but he just helps me get comfy and soothes me until I can finally fall alseep. Or during the day when I have a headache and I whine (really bad trust me!) he just takes care of me, and puts me to bed for nap and gets me water and medicine and whatever else I may call out for. No matter how gross I look, or how much sleep he isn't getting he just tells me he loves me and that I am beautiful. That the little (very ugly and gross) stretch mark I have doesn't make me any less beautiful, that nothing would change that. I fall more in love with him everyday. He is so patient and sweet, he is gonna be such a great dad. He is the greatest guy I have ever met. I just look into his eyes at night when he has been up an extra 3 hours because of me, and I just feel.... I can't even explain it. It is so many things, so many emotions, I guess that is what love is. It's funny how much your life can change in a year.

Well my darlings I'm going to go, laundry calls.... good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite, unless he is cute... then make sure he just nibbles.....


-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 10:00 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile

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