Friday, June 18

So much has happened!

Well I wrote on here yesterday and the damn post didn't show up, so here I go again! So much has happened in the last little while, so I shall summarize.

#1. I am still talking to my mother. I am shocked, and even though I don't know where she is at this time, she still is e-mailing me. Shocking!

#2. My sister Kaylee is moving in with me. She had a falling out with my mother and now is going to stay with me. I have no idea how to take care of me, let alone a 16 year-old girl. It's gonna be tough, but I'll handle it!

#3. Rob and I are doing great. We have had a few minor bumps the last few days, but it was nothing we couldn't over come. We actually set our wedding date. October 7th 2006. Yep book it in your calendars Ladies, it's party time!

#4. I am leaving BC in 26 days. I am sad to leave, but excited to return to Ontario to see everyone. I am sad to leave my friends here.

I want to say thank you to Courtney and Danielle for making this year so great. Yes we have had our moments where we wanted to kill each other, but they were brief, and we grew stronger together through it all. Thank you for being the realist friends I have ever had. You 2 are so beautiful inside and out, you have so much life and passion (yes even Courtney when she is frowning) you guys have taught me so much, and helped me find me way to who I am. Thank you for helping me find my voice and that brave-side that lets me take pictures of guys bums. Thank you for all the support and the chats where I have done nothing but cry, and visa versa. Thank you for letting me into your world and making me a part of it. I love you both so much, and I hope we manage to stay this close. Follow your dreams and always hold you heads up. You are worth it! Remember that always! And no matter what I am just an e-mail away! I shall see you at my wedding, where we shall get hammered and cry over the good old times hahaha and I will be there when Courtney marries John.(and Bryan Adams plays at her wedding)

We are the 3 legs of a tri-pod!

Coreena and Shawna, you guys are great. Thanks for all the chats on msn, the listening and the advice. I am so grateful for you two. You guys better come visit before I leave, or I will be PISSED! Keep in touch, I wanna know what happens in your lives. When Coreena does something wonderful, when Shawna gets married, I wanna be there for that, like you'll be there for me.

To all the other friends I have made here, (you know who you are) I love and espect you too! Thanks for an awesome year, and keep in touch! You are important to me, and I want to here about your lives!

Going home is going to be interesting, becuase at this point I am not sure who my friends are. Is the the people I considered my best friends who have done shit to stay in touch. Not even a lousy phone call or e-mail? Guess not. Is it the so called friend who claims to be looking out for me, but deep down may be trying to ruin my realtionship? Don't think so. What about the person who claimed to be my sister, we were so close, and then when I needed he the most let JEALOUSY get in the way of our friendship and walked away? Hmm, guess not her either. It shall be interesting to see who my friends are when I get back. The answer is no, I am NOT bringing BC bud back with me, so don't even ask. I am not even sure if I want these people in my life after the fact that they have treated me like shit for the past 11 months. I get it! Your reason: I am out here, you are there. Well that is fucking shitty. A letter in response to my letters, isn't that hard. A fucking stamp costs 52 frigging cents! Think about it.

#5. I am switching Bootleggers! I found out yesterday that I will have a job when I get home! YES!!! GOOOOOO ME! it will only be part time for the first bit, but that is ok, once I WOW them with my selling skills I'll be bumped up! YEAH!

#6. Grad Campout was Tuesday night, OMG, what a blast! Danielle... Erin - what a night!Too many "man-ginas" for me, but whatever! Rode in a car with some guy I don't know... but it was cool. Richard hubber drove us down the hill, apparently this is a big deal. I dunno. Power to Bon Fires! I had sooo much fun, a little too much, that by the time the bad shit happened, I was too hammered to be sypathetic. My only comment: She shouldn't have moved her car there. I came home around 2:30 and spent the next day lying on my bathroom floor next to the toilet. I HATE PUKING! But it was fun!

#7. I AM GRADUATING! enough said... it is about freaking time!

That's it.. I am done.... I will write more soon, I promise to stop neglecting my blog. I will love it more. hahahaha
Peace Out

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 9:05 AM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile