Sunday, January 23

That was fun!

What a lovely day I am having and it is only 3pm.

I wanted to go to church this morning, and I woke up on time, to feel really sick and puke-like. Hmm... don't really wanna have to run in and out of church to puke becuase I had pre-marital sex and got pregnant. Not that it would be a huge deal at my church, but still, no thanks.
So I crawl my lazy and not feeling so hot body out of bed at around 2pm and go online to play some poker, this is all fine and dandy.... then I hear this gurgling, cracking like sound and then I hear water draining on the floor.... plus I am home alone. NOT FUN! So I walk around the house praying for someone to come home... the praying didn't work (cause I didn't go to church!) and I was not sure what to do. What to do when panicking... CALL DAD! He got me to shut off the water and turn all the taps on to drain the lines and all this other construction talk and then he let me go to clean up the water. Lucky me. I put towels down on the mess and left them there, only to pace for a bit wanting Rob desperately to come home. Baby please come home. But I couldn't do that forever, so I decided to blog my flood! My little flood reminded me of Danielle's flood, her much bigger then mine flood. I was a little scared, she must have been a lot scared! Then my baby comes home! Now the guys, whoever they may be, have to get up in the ceiling and fix the pipes... not gonna be a fun time! And to make things go a little better in my day, I don't have to work till 6 now instead of 4. I called in with a bigger mess then we have.

But I am going to go, I need to figure out where I am going to shower.

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 3:10 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile

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