Thursday, January 27

we might be moving!

Went to the doctors today. The baby is doing good, strong heartbeat, healthy little thing. I have put on 11 pounds since I got pregnant... I am 5 1/2 months pregnant, but that is too much... oh well. I don't care. I start my swim classes next week, so that should help keep my weight gain down.

Rob and I appiled for this really nice 2 bedroom apartment. A friend of Ruthie's lives there right now, but she is flying back east on Saturday, and has a lease that needs to be taken over... so we applied, if we are accepted.. we find out tomorrow, we can move in the weekend! It is big and spacious, and is $749 a month inclusive. Which is good compared to some places we have looked at. And when you have a cheaper rent, you still ahve to pay for heat and hydro and all taht sutff, so when you add it together we are still paying the same amount. I hope, I hope we get it. Because we are taking over her lease, first and last month rent is paid already. Which helps us a lot. Then we can use the money we have in the bank to pay our rent. Keep your fingers crossed!

Have a good night, xoxoxo

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 7:24 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

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