Wednesday, July 28

Kidney infection... again!

I sit here typping this, barley able to sit in the chair because it hurts. Damn kidney infection again. Lying in bed yesterday after work, I knew I had a bladder infection... another damn UTI... cause it hurt to pee. Then after one of many trips to the toilet my right kidney started to hurt. Out of no where. Fuck. So I thought it was nothing I will go to the doctors tomorrow. Well in lying in bed... the pain got really bad.... to the point of tears. Rob was worried, did the guy thing and got upset.

"Why did you let this happen?....
I'm not getting mad at you, awww come here.. I hate to see you in pain.
You know I would do anything to take it away."
Awwww baby! So around 2am, the pain was more then I could take, so to the ER we went. 4 hours later I saw a doctor to confirm what I already knew... I have a kindey infection... both kidneys and need to take antibotics. (We shall call this a BKI... both kidenys infected!) Rob was so sweet through the whole thing. Me, being in pain, could do nothing but cry or be grumpy, but he was right there making me laugh, keeping my spirit up and my thoughts off the pain. He held my hand, brought me water and rubbed my back, taking care of me like a bopyfriend should. Something I have never had before!. I got visions in my head of us being at the hospital for other reasons, and him being there, holding my hand, and rubbing my back. It was strangely like being in the beginning stages of bringing a child into this world. Then I thought about it, and I just hope he doesn't faint, or that I don't break his hand! He hated being at the hospital for reasons unknown to me right now, but he stayed by my side the whole time. No matter how much complaining he did.... DAMN our heath system! He was awesome, and then took me home to bed. Where he then had to listen to me cry and roll around trying to get comfy for the next 3 hours, till I finally got some peace and fell alseep. Where is my hero now? Sleeping peacefully! I hurt like hell and I have to get my medicine soon.... but for now, I am smiling, because I know no matter what happens, or how much I hurt, Rob will be right there to make it all better. (Love you baby!)
After all that.... work is going well. I really like the people I work with. They are awesome! Things with the family are going well. My sister pulled another bitch stunt, so I will say for the record.. that I am never going on another walk with her. But I am hungry.. lunch time! I got a whole bunch of pictures develope yesterday! people from the MO... a whole bunch of my brother! I LOVE THEM! They are all nicely put into a photo book! And I tortured Rob and made him look at allllll the pictures! hahaha
Hope all is well with those who read this! I heart you all! xoxoxox

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 9:52 AM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile

Friday, July 23

Life back in ontario

Well I am home. The first week was really hard.... I cried a lot. I was really homesick. I still am but it is getting better! Things here have been good..... here is my summary!

I came home to Rob... who was waiting at the airport for me... with a pink rose.... my favourite... and I fell in love with him again... right there and then. We are doing awesome and I love him more then ever! I know in my heart... like I always have that he will be my fairytale.. that he is my fairytale. I am staying with him until I move into my townhouse with Tania. His family has been awesome, it is like I have always been a part of this family! I love it! I spent 6 days at his family cottage... that was so much fun. I am so tanned... ok not really but I am really tanned for me! I got to drive a boat and meet a bunch of his family... that was cool. 

My friends out here have been less then adiquate.... to be honest... I wouldn't even call them friends! I haven't seen any of them... except one and that was by accident.. because I work at the mall.... So yeah... I miss my BC friends like crazy! The walks.... talks... girl times... all of it! They are UN-REPLACABLE! It is a good thing I have Rob and his friends... cause otherwise I would be a big time LOSER! hahaha

My family has been cool. It is awesome to see my baby brother again. Cody is the cutest thing ever! I am close with my dad.... again, and so close with my step mom now which rocks! As for my sister Kaylee... um... not so much.. in the first 3 days I had been home we argued and then got in a fist fight... which I am HAPPY to say I kicked her ass! I know that is pathetic... but I don't care! I haven't really seen anyone else.... my aunt Cathy and her kids.... but that is it. To be honest I don't care.

Work is going good.... it is not the same... my old store was waaaaaay better... but of course I will think that. I work with some really nice people and I am making my goals and that is all that matters.

So yeah... I am tired... back on Ontario schedule.... and I must work at 9:30am! BASTARDS! So that is all for now..... Rob and I had our anniversary on Wednesday... it was the most romantic date of my life! So much fun!  I must go..... Good night all.... and do keep in touch! LOVE YOU ALL!

NAT ATTACK signing out! 

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 10:38 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile

Wednesday, July 7

last few days

as I sit here, nervous as hell, watching my last few days, hours, minutes dwindle away I think about everything I am leaving behind, and everything I am going back too.

I am leaving my home, the family I have known for the last year, and the friends who have helped me find myself and help to make me a better me.
My Auntie A and my awesome cousin Tone, it will be hard to leave them, knowing everything they have done for me. I cannot thank them enough or even attempt to repay them for what they have done. I will be back! And they will always be my favourite people!
My friends The things they have done I can't even put into words how much they mean to me. I know they aren't ready to have me leave, and if it were up to some they were chain me to trees... lol I want them to know that this is not goodbye... it will never be goodbye. I will be back, and our friendships will remain true, that is my promise to you. Danielle and Courtney, do not be angry for me leaving early.. it was my decision, and I am excited to go back to the east. I hate leaving you guys, but it was not for a boy and not for other reasons other than my own to go. You guys have helped me realize that living my dreams are more important then making other people happy. I love you guys so much, never forget that. I will miss you and you better keep in touch or I will come back just to hit you with my purse! (I'll hit you with my purse... you better be having some fun out here with guys... hahaha) To Coreena and all my other friends out here, you guys have made a huge difference in my life and I love you all! You better keep in touch or I will kick your ass!

I am crying now at the thought of leaving everyone....

But at the same time I am thinking about what I am going home too.... my family: my daddy, my sisters, my brothers, all my aunts and cousins! To my boyfriend, who is awesome! All his family, who apparently can't wait to see me, and/or meet me! To all my friends, though some have had a hard time keeping in touch, I know that they are excited to see me too! To my new roomate Tania, I can't wait to see her either! I will have an awesome summer. It is gonna be great!

So this is my see-ya later to the people out here whom I love dearly and will miss lots, but no worries.... the NAT ATTACK WILL BE BACK! And hello to everyone I coming back too! Let the party begin!

Sex Machine (hahahaha) signing out!

P.S. I will write on here from time to time while I am in Ontario so my peeps up in herrre (the MO) can know I am doing fine!

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 10:31 AM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile