Thursday, September 22

Photo happy mommy!

Wow, I don't even know where to start! Ok, I am thinking!

First things first: September 10 2005 Rob and I didn't get married. Before you go and assume the worst, DON'T!!!!! We are still together, and very much in love! It has just been POSTPONED til next year due to some financial difficulties and because....


Yes that is right folks, we are doing it again! yes so soon, I know, but Anniyia asked for one for her birthday.... so here goes nothing! hahaha! It was much surprise.. I was in the ER for major pains in my chest (turns out I have gallstones and my gallbladder needs to come OUT!) and the doctor told me I had a positive pregnancy test. There aren't words to describe my shock! But Rob and I are excited, and hoping for a boy as this is it for us. Rob will be FIXED in April after the baby is born! ( I won't lie, I wasn't very happy about this whole business when I found out, in fact I did some crying. I was angry and upset. I wasn't emotionally ready to take on another child. I was thinking about me, and not wanting to give up the little bit of freedom I had gained since having Anniyia! It was hard, but Rob and I got through it, and now I am as just as excited as I was for Anniyia. There is one plus this round.. the morning sickness hasn't been nealry as bad.. so maybe it will go a little better!)
Speaking of Anniyia, who is almost 4 months old, and growing like a weed! She is very interested in EVERYTHING! Especially food, she stares at it with this need to eat it... desperately! Soon baby girl, soon enough! She loves nursery rhymes and songs! The hokey pokey is her favourite right now! (maybe cause I look so silly doing it....) She loves to swim.. in the tub and water! She starts swimming lessons in October! I am so excited for her.... just me and her, off to the pool! She tries to sit up on her own, it is so cute to see her, pulling her head forward.... "if I could just get a little further..." She loves to stand, with help of course, but sitting jsut isn't always good enough! She likes to dance! if she is on her belly, her little arms and legs go crazy trying to crawl, but her belly doesn't make it off the ground! She wants to get up and go so badly... once she does, there will be NO stopping her! She is getting very creative and likes to paint. ( I know... how can a 3 month old like to paint? Well she does, she loves the cool feeling on her hands and toes!) This is a picture of her painting!
September 21st 2005 - you wanna paint

She loves being outside, the grass, the birds, the trees, everything. I watch her in awe, I'm jealous of her innocence to everything. She is amazed by everything. I love watching her learn. She gets so happy when she does something and mad when she can't. She is quite the little thing already! I didn't realize they did things so quick!

What else..... I went back to work last week! I need to put my hours back in to get maternity leave! I work 3 days a week, (18 hours) It isn't too bad... I just can't stand some of my co-workers, but that is normal. It is nice to be a working mom. I don't like leaving her, but she doesn't seem to mind, she loves her grandparents, who usually watch her... and I get to socialize with people who can actually talk back!

The townehouse rocks, I don't know if I wrote about it... but I love it! The space is AMAZING! And Rob's sister lives with us, so Anniyia is close with her.

I, yes, I have spoken to my own sister, a few times in fact, we have even had tea! It is hard and akward for me, but I am trying. I don't agree with the choices she is making, nor the boy she is chosing to date, but it is her life. She figure things out eventually!

I was really happy to hear about B.S. having a baby boy, and that all was well. I hate her though for having a c-section... push it out like the rest of us! lol. But Congrats all the same! Being a mom is the most amazing feeling... and I understood her desire for it.

Well I think that is about it! I don't get out much, I would rather stay with Anniyia, or play outside with her. We are getting cable again... I am excited! Grey's Antomy starts on Sunday and I can hardly wait!

September 2nd 2005 - Cutest baby ever!

September 20th 2005 - Skiing maybe

Hope all is well with you and yours... lots of love

S. xoxoxoxox

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 3:01 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile