Monday, August 16


Yeah yeah, what is up? haha I have no idea where that came from.
Living on my own this weeknd was cool. It has a few bumps last night, but with a little love and talking, it is all better.
I went to a funeral with Rob's family this morning for a woman I never met. It was a little awkard but I enjoyed the service as much as possible. I even sang one of the songs. I was there to show my respect and to hold Rob's hand.
In my last post, I said a bunch of stuff, and I am not even sure where it came from. I was in a weird mood, and feeling down about a bunch of crap. So please ignore it.
These damn olypmics are pissing me off! We still don't have a stinking medal! MONGOLIA has a medal and we don't! What the hell do they have in Mongolia? Apparently what it takes to get a medal! GRRRRRRR!
I have no idea what is up with my mom. I keep leaving messages, but nothing. She hasn't even written me, and she hasn't called or anything. What the fuck?
Well I must go, I am going shopping. I will write more later. Please keep in touch. Love you all!

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 10:10 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile

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