Tuesday, August 10

How do you choose?

How do you choose between your boyfriend and your family?
Let me explain:
On August 21st, My family is having a corn roast. It is a big family event where lots of people from my dad's side get together and party, plus it is my cousin Amie's surprise birthday party. I haven't been in a couple years, and I know this year is really important to dad cause Kaylee and Cody will be there, and he will finally have his whole family. I haven't seen a lot of my family since I have been back and this would be a good time to catch up with all of them. I was stoked to go and bring Rob so I could be the girl who brags about how amazing her boyfriend is. This would be the first year I had a boyfriend at one of these things. (I haven't been to many though) I am proud of Rob and I am proud of us. I want him to meet everyone. But this is where things get sticky.
On August 21st Rob's family is throwing him a CONGRATS party ofr getting into College. It is like a big fund-raiser to help pay for the expensive ways of post-secondary education. His family and friends are all going to be there (we are hoping.... to that friend he hasn't seen in a while, he wants to invite you, but isn't sure what you would say... so do you wanna come?) and it is only right as his girlfriend to be there. You only have a party like this once, and it is very important to him.
So how do I decide? I have made up my mind and I am going with Rob. As a wise man once said, the love of your life gets into college once, and your family will have another corn roast next year. I just hope my dad will understand.

On another note.... I miss Courtney really bad these last few days. I read her blog and it was almost as if she read my mind. I miss you hunny!

I am still slowly moving my stuff in. I love my space! It is beautiful, becasue it is mine! I took our (as in Tania and I) dog, Turbo, for a walk today. Well for the first bit he just pulled me along. But after that it was ok. Damn boy dogs and peeing on EVERY tree!

Work is going really good. Head office is in tomorrow, LUCKY US. hahaha

Ok... Rob is home now and I can go to sleep... hope all is well. xoxoxoxox

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 11:45 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

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