Sunday, August 8

Public Transit

I realize now why I hate the bus. Don't get me wrong, the idea of public transit is a good thing, but when you stop to consider just who may be sharing the "luxury" of the bus, the idea isn't so great. Rob didn't have a car today, so I had to take the bus. I don't mind the bus, I even feel independant taking it, but having a smelly old man sitting to close, a creepy fat man with an eyebrow ring starring at your chest for 20 minutes and a weird old lady in a wheelchair telling me she is going to run me over... suddenly the 5 minutes it takes to dive to work with Rob in the car feels even more like heaven. (It already does... 5 minutes all alone with my baby.... makes me smile!) I was half an hour late for work, which yes was mostly my fault, but the bus is still toooo slow! So now by this time I have had to ride the bus, and didn't get sex this morning because I slept to late. Then I had to work till midnight. I was GRUMPY! Plus Rob got shit faced tonight, so... sex tonight... that is really amazing and not sloppy... not bloodly likely. (But drunken sex with Rob is still DAMN good!) It's Martha's 21st Birthday today. (August 7th) I know Brad screwed it up already. I wonder if his less then adiquite gift will reedem himself.... doubt it! (For the record... he is passed out inside and Martha is outside.. still partying... without her so called boyfriend) I can't wait for Monday.... I am moving into my condo! Tania is already there living it up... in our condo.. which I found in a day! It amazes me that she looked soo hard and couldn't find a place to live but I look for a couple hours and find a place.... hmm... I dunno, maybe it is timing and atittude. But I love her and we are finally OFFICALLY roomies! Oh and tomorrow I am going out for breakfast with Rob and Shelby. Plus we are unpacking dad's attic to make Monday's moving a little easier.
In riding the bus I came to the conclusion that I have no friends. This is okay with me. (Okay... yes I do have friends... they jsut happen to be 5000km away.) Last night after work 3 people whom USED to be my friends were outside... I said a quite awkward hello and that was it. To be honest I want nothing to do with almost all of the people who were my "friend" when I left. Because to be blunt they are assholes.
But I must go... Sleep is my friend and I have a long day.. I work from 6 till 1am! Pray Rob gets a car so I can skip the adventure with the scary people! Plus I need sleep cause I am grumpy, stressed out mostly and I am taking it our on Rob, and he is being amazing and taking my shit. Maybe he just knows me well enough to know that I love him more then I can ever say and that I don't mean to hurt him. (I love you baby, and I wish we had of got married last weekend) To those who this.... hope all is well.

Why hasn't Coreena commented lately... maybe she doesn't love me anymore. Big shout outs to Sarah and Courtney... I miss you guys sooo much! Sarah have fun at the lake.... go to the island... play some football! hahahaha Courntey you best get your ass out here and visit me! Big hellos to everyone else who reads this. Hope all is well. I wish you health wealth and happiness!

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 1:11 AM Girly Giggles [ .]

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