Monday, August 9

Ahhh the sweet jucie of living on your own!

Deep breath.... awww, the sweet juices of freedom! It comes with a price (750 a month) but I embrace the jucies running down my chin with a grin and smile because success shall be mine!
So yeah, today I moved some more of my stuff into my CONDO! I would have got more of it done, but I locked my keys into my dad's place and couldn't get the rest of my stuff out. (Good job me!) So it's not all in there yet, and I am still sleeping at Rob's but I love just being there, washing dishes that are my own and being in a place that I can finally call home, and mean it. I have so much junk, nothing really useful, but I guess all of that will come with time. But the thing that I love is knowing that I can just be alone if I want. I can do waht I want there and not have to answer to anyone. Tania, my darling roomate doesn't mind my wacky ways and her and I plan to party it up and live the high life! I think something about me moving might be bothering Rob. He just doesn't seem to share my excitement. I mean he would rather do nothing then help me move my stuff, or that is the impression I get. He tells me I can wait, but I just want to get it done. That way when he leaves for school, I have a room that is ready for me to sleep in. I dunno, maybe it is me over reading things and those aren't his emotions at all. I just need him to be there, to hold my hand and help me. I am scared to live on my own, and to be an adult. I am scared I am going to fail. And in this I am pushing him away. (Baby, I love you and I hope you forgive me for treating you like shit these past few days... I am not even sure what is wrong.)
I got an e-mail from my mom today, a short one saying all is well. I repsonded by telling her I would like to see her. Only time will tell I guess.
I am in this mood, I can't even explain it. I am down and grumpy, and nothing will shake it. I don't know what to do and every little thing just sinks me deeper into this mood. I hope it will pass soon, as I hate it very much!
I am bored of this blog now.. so I will write more when I actually care about what I am saying.. because right now I just want to go to bed and cry.

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 9:56 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

Life brings unexpected surpirses that will make you smile

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