Friday, August 6

My own CONDO!

I am moving into my own CONDO! I realized that I cannot stay with Rob's parents... for one that would be weird and for 2 they haven't been alone for over 20 years... so why would I ruin that? So in ONE DAY I looked at apartments and got my own condo that very same day! I am moving in on Monday cause that is my only day off! I am excited to live with Tania... and on my own, but scared as hell at the same time because I have never had to be that independant and I am scared of failing!
Rob is leaving for school in less then 25 days and i am doing everything to aviod it. I know he isn't going to be that far away but I can't imagine not seeing him everyday. It is going to be hard to not be with him.
My dad is on holidays for a week, he took my family with him, including Kaylee. I was supposed to go, but I had to work, so that was that! Things with Kaylee are getting better. We are working on being sisters, not enemies...which is nice cause I hate kicking her ass! haha
Work is going well. I am doing a kick ass job! I might be able to go full time... other wise I am going to have to get a new job to be able to pay my rent. I might work at Central (for those in BC... that is a grocery store!) full time.. with Rob's mom, but we shall see.
But there is beer here, and it needs to be drunk.. and I vote ME! so I am going to go.. I shall write more later! see y'all
I miss thsoe in BC.. and I love y'all lots and I shall see ya soon!

-Nat-a-lee giggled about a boy at 8:21 PM Girly Giggles [ .]

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